Presentation at the ICS 2023
Presentation at the International Continence Society in Toronto, September 27th-29th, 2023.
- Julien Ratelade from EG427 presented the results of a project performed in collaboration with Pelvipharm:
” Intravesical administration of EG110A, a novel nonreplicative Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1)-derived vector expressing the light chain of botulinum toxin F, inhibits C-type fibers in an acute intravesical capsaicin rat model ”
Ratelade J1, Faugeroux J2, Behr-Roussel D2, Epstein A1, Denys P3, Giuliano F3, Haag-Molkenteller C1, Salot S1.
1. EG427, 2. Pelvipharm, 3. Université Versailles Saint-Quentin/Paris Saclay/Faculty of Medicine, Neuro-uro-andrology R. Poincaré academic hospital/APHP,